Planets - Kesler Science

  1. 3. Hottest planet
  2. 5. Bowl-shaped cavity on the surface of the planet
  3. 7. These planets are also called terrestrial planets
  4. 8. The elliptical path of the planets
  5. 9. These planets are mostly made up of gas
  6. 10. Axis tilted on its side
  7. 13. The envelope of gases surrounding the Earth or another planet
  8. 15. A natural force of attraction exerted by one object on another object
  9. 16. Planet with the “Great Dark Spot”
  10. 17. “The Red Planet”
  1. 1. Another word for a moon orbiting a planet
  2. 2. Closest planet to the Sun
  3. 4. Gas planet with visible rings
  4. 6. The period of time it takes a planet to go around the Sun
  5. 11. The spinning of a planet on its axis
  6. 12. The largest planet
  7. 14. Two-thirds of its surface is covered by water