Planets Project Crossword

  1. 4. This planet is tilted at nearly a right angle
  2. 6. This planet has rings of ice and dust surrounding it
  3. 8. This planet is the only one in the solar system that can currently support life
  4. 11. planets These planets are made of rock and metallic materials, they also have a solid outer layer
  5. 13. This is a frozen mixture of ice and dust, that has a tail
  6. 14. This planet is known for its giant red spot
  7. 15. This planet has 0 moons
  1. 1. This is a bright streak of light from a shooting star
  2. 2. giants These planets are mostly made of hydrogen and helium
  3. 3. planets These planets consist of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  4. 5. planets These plants consist of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
  5. 7. This planet is the farthest away from the sun in the solar system
  6. 9. This planet is similar to earth in size
  7. 10. This planet is surrounded by greenhouse gases
  8. 12. This is a rocky fragment that orbits the sun in a belt, in between Mars and Jupiter