Planets & Stars

  1. 3. Seems to be on its side due to axial tilt.
  2. 7. Used to determine the distance to close stars.
  3. 8. A body in the solar system that orbits the sun and can share their orbits with other bodies.
  4. 11. A ring shaped cloud of gas and dust.
  5. 13. A larger unit of distance.
  6. 15. It falls through the earth’s atmosphere; also called a shooting star.
  7. 16. He introduced the geocentric model.
  8. 18. The two main parts of a ___ are the head and the tail.
  9. 19. A ___ galaxy looks like a smooth glowing disk or flattened sphere of stars; it is the largest type.
  10. 21. Brightest of all the planets.
  11. 23. Planet that is farther from the sun than the earth.
  12. 24. The largest SSSB and can be seen from Earth through a telescope.
  1. 1. A strange object so massive and dense that its intense gravity prevents even light from escaping.
  2. 2. He proved that a planet's orbit is an ellipse.
  3. 4. A ___ galaxy has dusty arms loaded with stars that twist away from the center like a pinwheel.
  4. 5. Was predicted to exist before it was discovered.
  5. 6. Is a terrestrial and a superior planet.
  6. 8. It is used to explain the gravitational effects observed in the universe, but It is not observable.
  7. 9. A body in the solar system that orbits the sun and only shares its orbit with moon(s).
  8. 10. A huge, loose mass of billions of stars, dust, and other astronomical objects held together by gravity.
  9. 12. Located between Mars and Jupiter.
  10. 14. The scientific study of the origin of the universe.
  11. 17. It orbits around the sun and cannot be seen from Earth through a telescope.
  12. 20. Planet that is closer to the sun than the earth.
  13. 22. Used to determine the distance to distant stars.