planets vocabulary

  1. 3. planet , is a planet that is ,small .
  2. 5. ,is when the ,earth spins or when anything spins .
  3. 7. ,when something that, goes around something.
  4. 9. ,are cold rocks that's hit earth or, other places.
  5. 10. planets , these are the planets ,that are rocky and are not bigger than gas giants.
  6. 11. position ,When you set, the position relative to an element,
  7. 13. Unit ,the mean, distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun.
  8. 16. plant , a planet whose orbit lies within the asteroid belt, Mercury, Venus, Earth, or Mars
  9. 18. ,is a rock that finds it ,way out of space and comes crashing into earth or other places.
  10. 21. planets ,The four gas giants in our solar system are Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter.
  11. 22. planet , The outer planets are gas giants Jupiter and Saturn and ice giants Uranus and Neptune.
  12. 24. effect, the trapping of the sun's, warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation
  1. 1. ,a small body of matter, from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere, becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light.
  2. 2. , is like earth or Mars, Saturn, Venus.
  3. 4. temperature ,Surface temperature is the temperature at or near a surface
  4. 6. ,are made ,of dust and gases mostly hydrogen and helium
  5. 8. is ,a rock that's stays ,on the asteroid belt.
  6. 10. ,a sudden, radical or complete change
  7. 12. ,helps people stay, on there feet.
  8. 14. the ground.
  9. 15. Way Galaxy , the milky way, galaxy contains our Solar System.
  10. 17. , it come out at night and the sun shines on it to give it light.
  11. 19. , the degree of compactness ,of a substance.
  12. 20. ,a meteor that survives its passage ,through the earth's atmosphere such that part of it
  13. 23. belt, where asteroids, float on the line the looks like a belt.