
  1. 2. When the moon phases infront of the sun casting a shadow on the Earth this is known as a solar ______
  2. 3. A bright globe surrounded by three main rings
  3. 5. A person who only studies the planets
  4. 8. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are all what?
  5. 10. An object which has not been agreed by scientist as being a planet as it orbits the sun in a zone full of other objects. Unlike all the other planets
  6. 12. Uranus is the________ planet from the sun
  7. 14. All planets _______ the sun
  8. 15. The planet closest to the sun
  9. 17. The moon changes from a thin crescent to a full moon and back to crescent in 29________
  1. 1. Which planet is named after the Roman God of the Sea?
  2. 3. The_____ ________ contains the sun, planets, comets, moons, dust, gas and minor planets
  3. 4. Someone who travels to outer space
  4. 6. An instrument used to help see stars and planets clearly
  5. 7. The largest planet in the solar system
  6. 8. The milky way is a ________ that contains our solar system
  7. 9. The largest object in the solar system
  8. 11. This planet has phases like the moon and is known as the morning and evening star
  9. 13. The only planet that has an atmosphere of 21% oxygen and liquid water on its surface
  10. 15. Which planet is known as the red planet?
  11. 16. Pluto is known as a what kind of planet?