
  1. 1. A point directly overhead from an observer
  2. 5. The apparent change in position of two objects viewed from different locations
  3. 7. The angle between a body's equatorial plane and orbital plane
  4. 8. The point in the orbit of a planet
  5. 9. Sixth planet from the sun
  6. 11. Named after goddess of love & beauty
  7. 12. Brightness differences used in astronomy
  8. 13. A glow in a planet's ionosphere caused by the interaction between the planet's magnetic field
  9. 16. The amount of matter contained within a given volume
  1. 2. A cloud of dust and gas in space
  2. 3. The red planet
  3. 4. The passing into the shadow of a celestial body
  4. 6. Person who studies stars & moons
  5. 10. The angular distance of an object above the horizon
  6. 14. The area of total darkness in the shadow caused by an eclipse
  7. 15. The surface of the Sun or other celestial body projected against the sky