
  1. 3. Jupiter is named after the king of which gods?
  2. 7. Saturn has more than ______ moons.
  3. 8. Which planet is the closest to the Sun.
  4. 10. Saturn is named after the Greek god of what?
  5. 11. The Sun is a ____.
  6. 12. What is the largest planet in our solar system.
  7. 14. What is the smallest dwarf planet in our solar system called?
  8. 16. What colour is Neptune?
  9. 18. Million Over how many earths can fit in the Sun?
  1. 1. There's no ___ on Mercury so no human life can live on this planet.
  2. 2. Which planet is the lightest planet?
  3. 4. Uranus is named after the greek god of the ___.
  4. 5. The seventh planet from the sun.
  5. 6. Jupiter is mostly made out of helium and?
  6. 8. Which planet has the largest volcano in the solar system?
  7. 9. Which planet is almost the same size of the Sun?
  8. 13. Which planet was previously classed as a planet but is now a dwarf planet?
  9. 15. Mercury is covered by a thin layer of what?
  10. 17. Mars is also called? the ___ planet.