
  1. 2. Which planet is most famous for its rings?
  2. 5. What do we call the moon when we can see all of it?
  3. 7. Which planet is known as an Ice Giant?
  4. 8. A solar ‘___’ occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth.
  5. 11. What kind of planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars?
  6. 13. A ‘____’ eclipse occurs when the moon passes into the Earth’s Shadow.
  7. 14. Which is the smallest planet?
  8. 15. Mercury has ‘____’ moons.
  9. 16. Which known planet is furthers from the sun?
  1. 1. Which planet is now considered a dwarf planet?
  2. 2. Which planet should we never look at directly?
  3. 3. Which is the coldest planet?
  4. 4. Earth’s tides are affected by which planet?
  5. 5. Planets move ‘_____’when they are closer to the sun.
  6. 6. Which is the largest planet?
  7. 9. Which planet is closest to the Sun?
  8. 10. The Milky Way is Earth’s what?
  9. 11. What tool do we use to help us see the planets?
  10. 12. Which planet takes approximately 365 days to go around the Sun?
  11. 14. Which planet is also known as the red planet?