Planning for College

  1. 1. a local two-year school that offers associate degrees is called a ______ college
  2. 4. one type of college financial assistance you may receive that doesn't have to be paid back
  3. 8. the number of years that it generally takes to complete an undergraduate degree
  4. 9. acronym for the form you fill out to apply for financial aid
  5. 10. a type of loan that the federal government offers that doesn't accrue interest while you're in school
  6. 12. The U.S. Department of _______ manages federal student loans
  7. 14. room and ______ is one type of college expense you should plan for
  8. 15. the money you pay each year to attend a college or university
  1. 2. how often you usually make student loan payments
  2. 3. a four-year degree earned at a college or university is called a ______'s degree
  3. 5. the money you pay each year for extra college services like the gym, athletics, and campus technology
  4. 6. a staff member at your high school who can help you with college applications
  5. 7. a type of college financial assistance you may receive that has to be paid back with interest
  6. 11. the extra money you pay for taking out a student loan
  7. 13. a type of college or university that is managed by government