Plant Classification and Anatomy; Flower Anatomy

  1. 3. pairs of cells that surround stomata and control their opening and closing
  2. 6. that complete their life cycle in one year
  3. 8. threadlike structures that anchor nonvascular plants to the ground
  4. 10. must make seeds and reproduce; have leaves, stems, roots
  5. 11. vascular tissue that forms tubes that transport dissolved sugar throughtout a plant
  6. 12. smaller; have rhizoids to anchor them
  7. 14. the slender stalk above the ovary of the pistil
  8. 15. that complete their life cycle in two growing seasons
  9. 18. the sticky, top portion of the style; site where the pollen attaches
  10. 20. that produce for more than two years or growing seasons
  11. 22. leaf-like structures at the base of a flower; protects the flower as it developes
  12. 23. vascular tissue that forms hollow vessels that transport substances, other than sugar, throughout the plant
  13. 24. the swollen area at the bottom of the pistil; becomes the fruit
  1. 1. the female reproductive part of a flower
  2. 2. chemical compound made out of sugar that provides structure and support
  3. 3. cone bearing seed plants
  4. 4. angiosperm with one cotyledon inside its seed, flower parts in multiples of three, and vascular tissues in bundles scattered throughout the stem
  5. 5. the long, thin section of the stamen
  6. 7. conducts water and other materials in some plants; most familiar are xylem and phloem
  7. 9. angiosperm with two cotyledons inside its seed, flower parts in multiples of four or five, and vascular bundles in rings
  8. 13. flower bearing seed plants
  9. 16. tiny openings in a plant's epidermis through which carbon dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen enter and exit
  10. 17. the male reproductive part of a flower
  11. 19. the largest and most colorful part of a flower; attracts the animals that aid in pollinating the flower
  12. 21. the sac portion of the stamen which contains the pollen