Plant Nutrition

  1. 3. / helps to stop water evaporating from the leaf
  2. 7. / obtained from air only 0.04% available
  3. 9. layer / the air spaces and palisade layer forms this layer
  4. 11. / Obtained from soil
  5. 12. / The leaf is joined to the rest of the plant this
  6. 15. / source of light for the plants
  7. 16. / This is changed to sucrose in plants for transport.
  8. 19. / Taking in useful substances
  9. 20. layer / The cells nearer to the top of the leaf are arranged like a fence and they for this layer
  10. 21. Factor / something present in the environment in such short supply that it restricts life processes
  11. 22. bundles / This runs through the petiole
  1. 1. Tubes / Carries sucrose
  2. 2. cells / sausade shaped structure which can open or close
  3. 3. / Green plants have a substance which absorbs sunlight
  4. 4. / Green plants use the energy of sunlight for this
  5. 5. / A leaf consists of a broad flat part called
  6. 6. / The middle layers of the leaf
  7. 8. / Substances such as carbondioxide water etc
  8. 10. / substance that is capable of decaying
  9. 13. / The polysaccharide which is used as an energy store in plant cells.
  10. 14. vessels / Carries water
  11. 17. / small openings present in the lower epidermins
  12. 18. / The top and bottom of the leaf are covered with a layer of these cells
  13. 22. / They contain tubes which carry substances to and from the leaf
  14. 23. Spaces / The cells nearer to the top of the leaf are arranged like a fence which are arranged loosely with large ----------