Plant Systems Course Syllabus

  1. 2. we will explore _____ in the plant systems pathway
  2. 3. _____ and labs will be the majority of our grades
  3. 6. Students who are absent from class are _____ for making up any missed activity and work
  4. 10. if rules are not followed, your first consequence will be a _____
  5. 11. the first thing we will learn this year is plant _____
  6. 15. should be sign and returned for a grade
  1. 1. The student is responsible for _____ time to take the quiz/exam
  2. 4. Students will be removed from the lab or a _____ offense and receive a zero on the lab
  3. 5. Students will be graded on their ability to show the skills listed in the _____ standards
  4. 7. most important part of a lab
  5. 8. All students will _____ the poster and it will be hung up for them to see all year
  6. 9. Students who are not in the classroom prepared to work before the bell rings will be marked _____
  7. 12. one of the supplies for this class
  8. 13. Students will have the number of days they were absent plus one to make-up any _____ classwork
  9. 14. this class provides you with the principles of _____ science