
  1. 2. the exception for monocot
  2. 4. one that can grow in places that are too barren for a lot of other species
  3. 6. the true stems of ferns are underground, and the leaves, called ___ come up from the ground
  4. 7. responsible for carrying nutrients like sugars around the plant
  5. 9. angiosperms are categorized according to the number of their seed leaves
  6. 10. female parts of the flower
  7. 11. develops into fruit that surrounds, helps fertilize, and helps disperse the seeds
  8. 14. when the water goes up the xylem, it is defying what?
  9. 15. the major component of sand and is used to make glass
  10. 17. the seed has two embryonic leaves
  11. 19. male parts of the flower
  12. 20. provides structural support for the plant
  1. 1. the critical structure in the stem
  2. 3. stored inside pollen grains
  3. 5. water evaporating from the leaf
  4. 7. a floating organism that does photosynthesis
  5. 8. non-vascular, do not have xylem or phloem
  6. 12. the xylem and phloem are organized in many
  7. 13. responsible for transporting water up the roots
  8. 16. organisms whose cells each have a nucleus
  9. 18. a plant embryo that has been encased in its own food supply