
  1. 3. cuticle Waxy layering that covers the whole leaf
  2. 5. the tree prepares to go ____ when it starts to get cold
  3. 9. where photosynthesis takes place in the
  4. 12. Layer that is full of the chloroplasts, takes in the light for the plant
  5. 15. molecules that absorb color are called
  6. 16. Orange Pigments
  7. 17. cells the little cells that appear in place of the leaf stem
  8. 19. what makes leaves green
  1. 1. Microscopic holes in leaves
  2. 2. Around each of the stoma, Regulates the transpiration
  3. 4. where are the xylem and phloem located
  4. 6. To spread water throughout, hollow tube
  5. 7. The gaps between the guarding cells
  6. 8. the trees lose their leaves in this season
  7. 10. It allows for the gases to be interchanged in the plant, spongy
  8. 11. Transports and moves the sucrose
  9. 13. Covers the root and the stem and the flower
  10. 14. loosing leaves keeps plants from dying of ___
  11. 18. holds what gives the plant color