
  1. 2. a green pigment that captures energy from light
  2. 8. ovules are inside it
  3. 9. the ovule will grow into a ___
  4. 10. sugars belong to a group of chemicals called ___
  5. 11. long tubes that carry water and minerals from the roots to the leaves
  6. 12. this is needed to make proteins
  7. 15. this is needed to make chlorophyll
  8. 18. a method of getting a plant's male gametes to their female gametes
  9. 19. these are made in the anthers of a flower
  10. 21. a sugar
  11. 24. a process where the male gamete and the nucleus of a female gamete join together
  12. 25. this contains more than or just enough mineral salts needed for the plant
  1. 1. the way plants make food from light
  2. 3. the female gametes are in here
  3. 4. these are the organs that carry out photosynthesis in most plants
  4. 5. new plants need to be ___ away from the parent plant
  5. 6. chloroplasts are in a ___
  6. 7. water combines with this inside chloroplasts to make glucose and oxygen
  7. 13. a cell that is made when the nuclei of the 2 gametes joins together
  8. 14. photosynthesis happens inside the ___
  9. 16. a group of cells that is produces when the zygote starts to divide
  10. 17. tiny holes in the lower epidermis that let carbon dioxide get into the leaf
  11. 20. energy needed for photosynthesis comes from what?
  12. 22. pollen sticks to the ___
  13. 23. the ovary changes into a ___