
  1. 3. a very stinky flower
  2. 5. a fragrant flower usually offered during Valentines
  3. 7. A vegetable
  4. 9. a plant that is used by humans for clothes
  5. 11. a yellow fruit that is green when unripe
  6. 13. found in lakes
  7. 14. uses mouth to catch prey
  8. 15. a type of tree known for its white and black trunk
  9. 16. a type of oat
  10. 17. a vegetable
  11. 18. a fruit found in the tropics and used for water
  12. 19. it is usually found in lawns
  1. 1. usually grows on rocks beside grass
  2. 2. a vegetable, a delicacy to rabbits
  3. 4. a tall and smelly flower and blooms every 3 years
  4. 6. attracts insect with a dewy liquid and digests it
  5. 8. Used to make a Christmas Tree
  6. 9. a red fruit that usually comes in groups
  7. 10. another vegetable
  8. 12. a type of tree
  9. 17. a spiky succulent