  1. 2. Hindu name is Tulsi
  2. 6. a fruit from the rose family
  3. 9. A cluster of bananas
  4. 10. peanuts are nuts - true or false
  5. 12. one of the oldest living tree species
  6. 13. Flower that resembles a mythical creature
  7. 14. This fruit has 200 seeds
  8. 15. What colour were carrots originally
  9. 16. Arum, largest and gross smelling flower in the world
  10. 17. Female part of a plant
  11. 18. Fastest growing plant
  12. 20. A calming tea
  1. 1. herb that comes from Norse word meaning “to lull”
  2. 3. Cacti are also ___________
  3. 4. longest living organisms on Earth
  4. 5. plants scent is known to calm anxiety
  5. 7. made up of 1000-2000 individual flowers
  6. 8. Red Gum, most widely distributed eucalypts
  7. 11. Correct name for wattle
  8. 15. a cutting used to grow another plant
  9. 19. Which country has the most plant species