
  1. 2. Something's job. (8)
  2. 5. Type of sugar made during photosynthesis. (7)
  3. 8. Chemical reaction that plants use to make their own food. It needs light to work. (14)
  4. 12. the yellowing seen on the leaves of plants when they cannot make chlorophyll due to a lack of magnesium ions
  5. 14. When a plant does not have enough water and droops. (7)
  6. 18. the movement of sugars from the leaves to the rest of the plant through the phloem
  7. 21. Green substance found inside chloroplasts. It absorbs light. (11)
  1. 1. Chemical reaction that releases energy from glucose. It uses up oxygen and produces (11)
  2. 3. Green disc containing chlorophyll. Found in plant cells. Where glucose is made by photosynthesis. (11)
  3. 4. The random movement of particles from where there are a lot of them to where there are fewer of them. (9)
  4. 6. Carries water and dissolved mineral salts up a plant. (5)
  5. 7. A substance used to make cell walls. (9)
  6. 9. Insoluble carbohydrate made from glucose and used as a storage material in plants. (6)
  7. 10. Soak up. (6)
  8. 11. The building blocks of proteins. (5,5)
  9. 13. Small holes on the underside of leaves which let gases into and out of the leaf. (7)
  10. 15. cell found in roots with a large surface area to help the cell absorb water quickly. (4,4,4)
  11. 16. Cells which open and close the stomata. (5,5)
  12. 17. the loss of water vapour from the leaves of plants through the stomata when they are opened to allow gas exchange for photosynthesis. It involves evaporation from the surface of the cells and diffusion through the stomata
  13. 19. Mineral salt that plants need to make proteins. (7)
  14. 20. Carries glucose and other soluble substances up and down the plant. (6)