
  1. 2. the other word of glucose
  2. 3. a green pigment found in plants
  3. 6. that controls water loss and gas exchange
  4. 7. test What experiment to see if the plant is doing photosynthesis
  5. 8. something that plants need that is a liquid
  6. 12. the plant cell that produces glucose
  7. 13. to see if glucose is being made in the plant
  8. 17. the Factors affecting rate of photosynthesis that is only 3 word
  9. 19. how does the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
  10. 20. a waste product of plants
  1. 1. something that is between 2 epidermal cell layer
  2. 4. how does the water get into the roots of a plant
  3. 5. how does the sugar from the source go to the sink
  4. 9. what is the process called when plants make sugar and oxygen
  5. 10. the Factors affecting rate of photosynthesis that is only 1 word
  6. 11. a layer of something that makes it water proof and reduce water loss
  7. 14. the cell that is in the roots that absorbs water
  8. 15. Something that plants need and it is not from the Earth
  9. 16. other word storage
  10. 18. Something that plants need in order to do photosynthesis and animals release it as a waste