
  1. 2. Tissue that interacts with environment such as epidermis
  2. 4. Connects Stigma to Ovary
  3. 7. sticky surface atop pistil that catches pollen
  4. 8. A deactivated version of ATP
  5. 9. Tissue used for food storage
  6. 10. Chemical that absorbs light energy for photosynthesis
  7. 12. Female part of flower
  8. 14. Organism that makes its own food
  9. 16. This Tissue is used for transport
  10. 19. Vascular Tissue that moves water
  11. 20. hairs Increase the surface area for water absorption
  12. 22. Respiration with Oxygen
  13. 23. Vascular tissue that moves sugars
  14. 24. Male part of Flower
  15. 25. Scientific name for sugars
  16. 26. Male gamete of plants
  17. 27. These are required to start the chemical reaction
  18. 28. These are the what gets produced during the reaction
  1. 1. Respiration without Oxygen
  2. 3. Contains the pollen
  3. 5. Holds the Anther aloft
  4. 6. Waxy layer on leaf surface
  5. 8. Chemical Currency produced by Cell Respiration
  6. 9. C(6)H(12)0(6)
  7. 11. Contains the eggs
  8. 13. Opening in Leaf surface for gas exchange
  9. 15. Processed used by plants to make food
  10. 17. Tissue that makes new xylem and phloem and causes widening of plant (Secondary growth)
  11. 18. Used by cells to make energy in ATP
  12. 21. This Tissue is responsible for primary plant growth