
  1. 1. the thing that flower's need to reproduce
  2. 3. a leaf that attracts pollinators
  3. 5. a insect that pollenates
  4. 9. a pollenator
  5. 11. a type of flower
  6. 13. the anther and the filament
  7. 14. the place where pollen is catched
  8. 16. a plants tube
  9. 17. the thing that holds up the anther
  1. 1. the stigma the ovary and the style
  2. 2. where pollen goes down in order to pollenate
  3. 4. plant eggs
  4. 6. the thing that holds the plant in place
  5. 7. the leaf that protects the flowers organs
  6. 8. the most popular flower
  7. 10. bee a pollenator
  8. 11. a pollenator
  9. 12. what plants need to survive
  10. 15. where eggs of plants are made
  11. 16. the thing that holds the flower up