
  1. 3. The _____ layer is where photosynthesis happens in the leaf.
  2. 5. The type of vascular tissue that moves sugar/food
  3. 6. Seedless plants can be used in the formation of _____, one of the three fossil fuels.
  4. 8. Angiosperms with flower parts in fours or fives, branching veins, and two cotyledons in their seeds
  5. 9. Angiosperms with flower parts in threes, parallel veins, and one cotyledon in their seeds
  6. 13. Small openings in the leaf surface that allow for gases to be exchanged
  7. 15. The waxy, protective layer on stems and leaves of plants is the _____.
  8. 16. A non-flowering seed plant
  9. 17. A ______ is the part of the seed used for food storage.
  10. 18. _____ plants have structures that move water and other substances.
  11. 21. An apple tree is an example of this type of seed plant
  1. 1. A(n) _____ is a plant that completes its life cycle in one year.
  2. 2. Cell walls are made of ______ to give the plant more support and strength.
  3. 4. _____ cells open and close stomata.
  4. 5. The process plants do to make sugar
  5. 7. Moss plants are held in place by root-like structures called _____.
  6. 10. The type of vascular tissue that produces new xylem and phloem cells
  7. 11. Seedless nonvascular plants have _____ instead of stems.
  8. 12. The type of vascular tissue that moves water
  9. 14. The first plants to grow in new or disturbed areas are _____ species.
  10. 19. The green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants
  11. 20. Veins/vascular bundles are located in the ______ layer of leaves in a plant.
  12. 21. Scientists hypothesize plants evolved directly from green _____.