
  1. 4. A purple vegetable with a smooth, shiny skin that can be cooked in various ways.
  2. 8. Potato A starchy, orange vegetable that is sweeter than regular potatoes. It's delicious when roasted.
  3. 10. A small, round, red or white vegetable with a crunchy texture and spicy taste.
  4. 11. Leafy, green vegetable often used as the base for salads and sandwiches.
  5. 13. A long, orange vegetable that grows underground. It's crunchy, sweet, and good for eyes.
  6. 14. A long, green vegetable with seeds inside. It's often eaten raw in salads or pickled.
  7. 15. A green vegetable with small, edible florets and a thick stem. It's rich in nutrients.
  1. 1. Small, round, green vegetables that come in pods. They're often used in salads or as sides.
  2. 2. A dark, leafy green vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked. It's very nutritious.
  3. 3. A starchy vegetable with a brown skin that grows underground. It's used in many dishes.
  4. 5. A round, red fruit (often considered a vegetable) used in salads, sauces, and sandwiches.
  5. 6. Pepper A colorful vegetable shaped like a bell. It comes in various colors and tastes sweet.
  6. 7. Beans Long, slender, green vegetables that need to be cooked before eating.
  7. 9. A white vegetable with a compact head of small, undeveloped flowers. It's versatile to cook.
  8. 12. A green vegetable that looks like a cucumber but is usually cooked before eating.