
  1. 2. Brightly coloured and attracts pollinators
  2. 9. Most gymnosperms are cone bearing plants called
  3. 11. Female gametangia that produce eggs and are the site of fertilization
  4. 14. Nourishes the growing seedling
  5. 19. Only one type and size of spores
  6. 20. Seed plants with reproductive structures called flowers and fruit
  7. 22. Leaves with a single vein
  8. 25. Produces megaspores that give rise to female gametophytes
  9. 27. Produces spores by meiosis
  10. 28. Where plants sustain continual growth
  11. 29. Angiosperm megaspores usually have two
  12. 33. Conducts most of the water and minerals and includes tracheids
  13. 34. A polymer that prevents exposed zygote from drying out
  14. 36. Produces microspores that give rise to male gametophytes
  15. 38. Consists of an embryo and nutrients surrounded by a protective coat
  16. 39. Plants evolved from
  1. 1. Consists of a megasporangium, megaspore, and one or more integuments
  2. 3. Floral organs, usually in multiples of four or five
  3. 4. One cotyledon
  4. 5. Produce ovules in the ovary of flowers
  5. 6. Site of spore production in sporophytes
  6. 7. Formed when ovary wall thickens and matures
  7. 8. Developed from microspores and contain the male gametophyte
  8. 10. Triploid, and nourishes the developing embryo
  9. 12. The transfer of pollen to the part of the plant containing ovules
  10. 13. 80% of flowering plants are pollinated by
  11. 14. Closets relatives of land plants
  12. 15. Spores of two different sizes and sexes
  13. 16. Process by which plants use light energy to produce food
  14. 17. Two or more organisms in a relationship
  15. 18. facilitate fertilization when male and female gametophytes are separated
  16. 21. Occurs when pollen tube discharges two sperm into the female gametophyte within an ovule
  17. 23. Have flagellated sperm unlike most seed plants
  18. 24. Male gametangia that produces and releases sperm
  19. 26. Plants with embryos
  20. 30. Plant derived medication from the poppy
  21. 31. Consists of living cells arranged into tubes
  22. 32. Dominant stage of Bryophytes
  23. 35. Organs that increase surface area of vascular plants
  24. 37. The most seedless, vascular plant
  25. 40. Organs that anchor vascular plants