  1. 2. The absorption and digestion of food or nutrients by the body or any biological system.
  2. 7. Intake by plants.
  3. 9. The breakdown of complex molecules in living organisms to form simpler ones.
  4. 10. Which the plant collects through its roots.
  5. 11. Is the process in your body that turns simple structures into more complex structures.
  6. 13. Organisms that can’t make its own food supply, so they have to eat other things, like plants or other animals, to survive.
  7. 15. Is the process of breaking sugar into a form that the cell can use as energy.
  8. 19. Is a condition in which something takes in another substance.
  9. 21. Is an important organic compound in metabolism.
  10. 23. To continue to exist, and not to fail or be destroyed.
  11. 24. Responsible for gas exchange called respiration.
  12. 25. Typically found in plant leaves but can also be found in some stems.
  1. 1. Providing energy for the process of photosynthesis to occur.
  2. 3. Is the energy currency of life.
  3. 4. Is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy.
  4. 5. The process of eliminating or expelling waste matter.
  5. 6. Are mainly sugars and starches that the body breaks down into glucose.
  6. 8. Delivers substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells.
  7. 12. Are animals that only eat plants.
  8. 14. Allows plants to absorb energy from light.
  9. 16. Are animals that gets food from killing and eating other animals.
  10. 17. Is a kind of animal that eats either other animals or plants.
  11. 18. Organisms are able to make their own food.
  12. 20. Provides energy for vital processes and for synthesizing new organic material.
  13. 22. Released by plants in the atmosphere.