
  1. 3. Sticky substance that pollen will adhere too
  2. 6. lack veins or tubes that carry water and nutrients throughout the plants roots, stem, and leaves
  3. 9. Used to attract insects to the flower
  4. 10. Reproduction that requires 2 parents
  5. 11. a plant that develop seeds on or in cones
  6. 14. The male Reproduction part of the flower
  7. 16. Protects the flower during bud development
  8. 17. Protects the ovule
  9. 18. The egg of the flower
  1. 1. produces cones instead of lowers
  2. 2. Plants with veins or tubes that carry water and nutrients throughout the plants roots, stem, and leaves
  3. 4. produces flowers that develop seeds inside the ovary
  4. 5. The stalk of the anther
  5. 7. Reproduction that requires 1 parent
  6. 8. Trees that lose their leaves during winter
  7. 12. Trees that do not lose their leaves during winter
  8. 13. The female reproduction part of the flower
  9. 15. Contains pollen sacs
  10. 16. Raises the stigma away from the ovary