  1. 2. type of seedless vascular plant
  2. 5. plant have a single seed leave
  3. 7. male reproductive organ in flowering plants
  4. 8. diploid generation of a plant life cycle
  5. 12. division of hornworts
  6. 15. division of club moss
  7. 17. spores on the underside of fern leaves
  8. 19. division of mosses
  9. 20. covered seeds
  10. 22. female reproductive organ in flowering plants
  11. 23. vascular tissue that transports water
  1. 1. naked seed
  2. 2. leaves of ferns
  3. 3. largest group of gymnosperms
  4. 4. ripened ovary
  5. 6. division of liverworts
  6. 9. covering on leaves that reduces water loss
  7. 10. seed begins to grow and break through the seed coat
  8. 11. found in all plants
  9. 12. division of flowering plants
  10. 13. water loss through evaporation
  11. 14. plant having two seed leaves
  12. 16. openings on the underside of leaves used for gas exchange
  13. 18. plant ancestor
  14. 21. type of seedless nonvascular plant
  15. 22. vascular tissue that transport food