
  1. 3. growth response to a stimulus
  2. 4. plants that live for more than two years
  3. 5. plant roots grow down, so they exhibit positive ___
  4. 8. response of a plant to grow towards light
  5. 10. openings on the underside of a plant's leaves
  6. 11. vascular tissue that carries sugars
  7. 12. structure produce by angiosperms that increases pollination
  8. 13. chemical messengers
  9. 15. what the ovary of an angiosperm becomes after fertilization
  10. 16. sticky tip on the pistil for collecting pollen
  11. 17. mosses and liverworts
  12. 18. structure made by angiosperms and gymnosperms
  13. 22. food source for a plant embryo
  14. 24. colorful structures that attract pollinators
  15. 25. structures that absorb water, anchor plant, and store food
  1. 1. hormone that stimulates root growth
  2. 2. life cycle of a plant where plant goes back and forth between two stages
  3. 5. the dominant stage in a bryophyte life cycle
  4. 6. stage in life cycle where plant produces diploid spores
  5. 7. waxy covering that prevents water loss
  6. 9. inactive xylem at the center of a tree stem
  7. 10. small leaves that protect flower bud
  8. 14. name given to the male parts of a flower
  9. 19. two types in a gymnosperm: pollen and seed
  10. 20. structure that will become the seeds in an angiosperm
  11. 21. angiosperms with parallel leaf venation
  12. 23. where photosynthesis occurs in a plant