  1. 4. Breathing spores in the stem
  2. 6. The tissue produced inside the seeds of most flowering plants around the time of fertilization
  3. 10. Diffusion of hydrogen ions out of the thyllakoid and production of ATP
  4. 12. Male part of the flower
  5. 13. A fleshy fruit, such as a peach, plum, or cherry, usually having a single hard stone that encloses a seed. Also called stone fruit.
  6. 14. Main floral function of a flower
  7. 16. Splitting of water molecules
  8. 18. A root system usually formed by thin, moderately branching roots growing from the stem
  9. 19. Collective term for sepals
  1. 1. Saw like
  2. 2. Leaves are arranged at a node around the stem flower clusters
  3. 3. Transfer of pollen from one anther to the stigma by the carriers
  4. 5. Tooth like
  5. 7. Proportion of the day to the length of the night in a 24 hr.period
  6. 8. Last electron acceptor
  7. 9. Also called as polydrupes
  8. 11. Compound fruit formed from several flowers in a cluster
  9. 15. A root system where it has a big large root at the underground that can absorb salt mineral and water
  10. 16. A collective term for all the petals and sepals.
  11. 17. Composed of a hort stem sorrounded by numerou fleshy leaves