
  1. 2. A type of xylem.
  2. 7. Found on the underside of a leaf.
  3. 9. A seed leaf.
  4. 10. Used directly in respiration or stored as starch.
  5. 13. Zone where cells develop into different tissue types.
  6. 15. The sticking of similar molecules to each other.
  7. 17. Control the stomata.
  8. 18. Type of root.
  1. 1. Potential growth point.
  2. 3. Controls the activities of sieve tube elements.
  3. 4. The movement of water down a concentration gradient.
  4. 5. The concentration of this controls opening and closing of stomata.
  5. 6. Living tissue that transports food.
  6. 8. The loss of water vapour through leaves.
  7. 11. Openings in the stems of plants that allow gas exchange.
  8. 12. Tissue in which photosynthesis occurs.
  9. 14. Xylem has this.
  10. 16. Their vascular bundles are scattered.