Plate Boundaries and Tectonics

  1. 3. two plates slide past each other
  2. 6. moves the plate , intense heat from the earth's core
  3. 8. a continious mass of land with long width and height on the oceanfloor
  4. 9. the inside layer the most dense
  5. 10. rigid sections of the lithosphere that moves as a unit
  6. 12. two plates move toward each other
  7. 13. the thick part of the earth's crust, not located under the ocean
  8. 15. a depression in the seafloor produced by subduction
  9. 17. two plates moving away from eaach other and mostly occur at the mid-ocean ridge
  10. 18. a break in a rock along which movement has occured
  1. 1. is the scientist who made the theory on continental drift
  2. 2. a supercontinent broke apart and the continents drifted to their present posistions
  3. 4. the middle layer more dense than the crust compose
  4. 5. describe the rising spread and sinking of gas liquid or molten material
  5. 7. the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean
  6. 11. the top layer , the least dense layer , composed of the continental and oceanic crust
  7. 14. is the process by which less dense material rises and more dense material sinks typically driven by temperature
  8. 16. a mass of molten rock formed a depth including dissolved gasses and crystals