plate motion crossword puzzle

  1. 1. the outside or top layer of something
  2. 3. A scientific instrument used to record data from earthquakes
  3. 7. Earths outermost layer of solid rock that is underneath the soil, vegetation, and water(two words)
  4. 10. an underwater mountain chain formed at divergent plate boundaries(three words)
  5. 11. hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth
  6. 13. the place where two plates meet(two words)
  7. 15. when one plate goes underneath another plate and is destroyed in the mantle
  8. 17. one of the large sections of hard, solid rock that makes up Earths outer layer
  9. 18. when two plates move away from each other
  1. 2. a sudden shaking of Earth's crust
  2. 4. the sudden pushing out of something
  3. 5. the layer of soft solid rock underneath Earth’s surface
  4. 6. this person invented the idea of plate tectonics (Alfred ____________)
  5. 8. hot liquid rock on Earth’s surface
  6. 9. evidence of life from the past
  7. 12. when two plates are moving towards each other
  8. 13. something we observe to be similar over and over again
  9. 14. how often or fast something happens
  10. 16. the slow pulling apart of land. This is caused by plate motion
  11. 19. a long deep indentation in the ocean floor formed when two plates move together