Plate Movement via Convection

  1. 5. what is the driving force behind plate tectonics?
  2. 6. which part of plates tectonics do the pieces of paper represent?
  3. 7. what type of plate boundary did volcanoes form?
  4. 9. what type of plate boundary did new crust form?
  5. 10. what causes the downward movement of the plat at a trench?
  1. 1. what explains the movement and interactions of earths lithospheric plates?
  2. 2. what theory explains the movement of tectonic plates?
  3. 3. which part of plate tectonics does the candle represent?
  4. 4. in what type of plate boundary did a river change its path?
  5. 8. what is the driving force behind seafloor spreading?