Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. When the seperate.
  2. 6. When they collide together.
  3. 7. These are circular movements caused by heat rising a cold sinking.
  4. 12. it's a line between two cities.
  5. 14. It is a bunch of volcanoes in a circle.
  6. 15. Mid-_________
  7. 16. The thing called __________ is next to the earth's crust.
  8. 17. What is it called where the plates meet?
  9. 18. A big wave that is a natural disaster.
  1. 1. A crust but thin.
  2. 2. It is a type of zone.
  3. 4. What have the continents done?
  4. 5. When they slide past eachother.
  5. 8. A crust but thick
  6. 9. What is it called when our earth shakes?
  7. 10. What is the book by Alfred Wegner called?
  8. 11. The seafloor is ________!
  9. 13. Who created the continental drift theory?
  10. 19. It's what comes out of volcanoes.