Plate Tectonic/Rock Cycle Crossward Puzzle

  1. 3. the uppermost mantle, along with the overlying crust, that behaves as a strong layer
  2. 6. and thereby produce earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and the crust itself
  3. 8. the rock above the fault plane has moved down relative to the rock below
  4. 11. two plates grind past each other without harming the lithosphere
  5. 17. in which rocks are physically or chemically broken down by air, water, and living things
  6. 18. magma that reaches earth's surface
  7. 19. molten material that forms deep beneath earth's surface
  8. 20. any solid mass of mineral or mineral-like matter that occurs naturally as part of our planet
  9. 21. a sedimentary rock that goes under extreme pressure and heat
  1. 1. destructive plate margins where the oceanic crust is being pushed down into the mantle
  2. 2. a reverse fault with a dip less than 45°, normally about 10-15°
  3. 4. a result in which the material above the fault plane moves up in relation to the material below
  4. 5. interactions among earth's water, air, and land that can cause rocks to change from one type to another
  5. 7. two plates move together
  6. 9. a theory that proposes earth's outer shell consists of individual plates that interact in various
  7. 10. process in which plate tectonics form a new oceanic lithosphere
  8. 11. a surface feature in the sea floor produced by a descending plate during subduction
  9. 12. weathered earth materials
  10. 13. two plates move apart
  11. 14. forms when magma cools and hardens underneath earth's surface or as a result from a volcanic eruption
  12. 15. a fault along which the movement is horizontal and and parallel to the trend of the fault
  13. 16. forms when sediment is eventually compacted and cemented