Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. when two plates under the ocean diverge and move apart they create a mid-ocean what
  2. 5. last name of scientist who discovered sea-floor spreading
  3. 6. the solid outer layer of the Earth
  4. 8. plate boundary where plates are colliding
  5. 9. the coal fields of North America and this continent match up
  6. 10. scientist who proposed the continental drift theory
  7. 13. oceanic crust is mainly this type of rock
  8. 15. pangaea broke apart 175 what years ago
  9. 17. supercontinent
  10. 18. South America and this continent look like they actually fit together
  11. 19. Ring of Fire is a long chain of what in the pacific ocean
  12. 20. scratches in rocks that are created by glaciers moving
  1. 2. crust is neither created or what (only cycled on the planet)
  2. 3. overall long-term weather of a certain area
  3. 4. when two continental plates diverge and move away from each other they create a rift what
  4. 7. fossils of the same what are found on separate continents
  5. 11. caused when plates move and the earth shakes
  6. 12. Type of current in the mantle where magma moves up and down dragging the plates across the Earth
  7. 14. mountain chain that consists of the same rocks as the British Isles
  8. 16. plate boundary where plates are moving away from each other