Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Plate _____ is the theory that states there are large plates that slowly move around the globe.
  2. 8. The science of the structure of the earth.
  3. 9. Places where plates are pulling apart are called ______ boundaries.
  4. 11. The region where an oceanic plate sinks into the asthenosphere at a convergent plate is known as a subduction _______.
  5. 12. The crust of Earth is composed mainly of rocks that contain silicon and oxygen also known as ________.
  6. 15. The process where new lithosphere is created at mid-ocean ridges is known as seafloor ________.
  7. 17. The sinking of oceanic lithosphere into the asthenosphere is known as ________.
  8. 18. Places where tectonic plates are coming together are called ______ boundaries
  9. 20. The science that studies the history, structure, and natural processes of planet Earth.
  1. 1. The part of the Earth’s structure that contains the crust and the upper portion of the mantle.
  2. 3. ______ boundaries are places where tectonic plates slide along beside one another as they move.
  3. 4. The hypothesis that the world’s continent move slowly over Earth’s surface.
  4. 5. has a density of 0.95 g/cm^3
  5. 6. Alfred_____ was the theoristof continental drift and Pangea
  6. 7. The deepest subduction trench in the world is called the ______ trench.
  7. 10. Separate pieces of lithosphere that move on top of the asthenosphere are known as ________ plates.
  8. 13. a global system of underwater mountains created by seafloor spreading is the ______ridge.
  9. 14. Long, deep, steep troughs in the seafloor where an oceanic plate sinks below a plate. (think Nemo)
  10. 16. The molten rock inside the earth.
  11. 19. The most commonly found metal in the inner core.