Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. plates split new land forms
  2. 4. the process that results when magma rises at a mid ocean ridge and pushes oceanic plates in two different directions away from the ridge
  3. 7. large hole formed by the collapse of a volcano's magma chamber.
  4. 10. An instrument that records vibrations in the ground.
  5. 12. plates slide past each other, forming faults and causing earthquakes
  6. 13. plates are pushed apart through mantle convection
  7. 15. In geology, a seismic wave that travels through the body of a medium.
  8. 17. Wave like ripples formed in rocks caused by compressional stress that raise the height of rock
  9. 19. The sudden return of elastically deformed rock to its undeformed shape.
  10. 21. The point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's starting point (or focus).
  11. 23. The rock that makes up Earth's crust is slightly less dense than the rock in the mantle, so it floats.
  12. 27. plates collide
  13. 30. an undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced at a divergent plate boundary
  14. 31. A supercontinent containing all of Earth's land that existed about 225 million years ago
  15. 32. Zone An area of Earth's surface where no direct seismic waves form a particular earthquake can be detected.
  16. 34. A crack in the Earth's surface where slabs of crust slip past each other
  17. 37. the motion of the continents over time
  18. 39. a seismic water wave
  19. 40. a gently sloping, shallow area of the ocean floor that extends outward from the edge of a continent.
  20. 41. magma when it reaches the surface
  21. 42. Gap An area along a fault where relatively few earthquakes have occurred recently but where strong earthquakes are known to have occurred in the past.
  22. 44. mountain that forms as continental crust crumples and bends into folds
  23. 45. a scientific theory describing the large scale motion of earths plates
  24. 46. Large ocean that used to surround Pangaea
  25. 48. S waves are the second-fastest seismic waves and arrive at detection sites right after the P waves come in.
  26. 49. process by which new crust forms at midocean ridges
  27. 50. The location within Earth along a fault at which the first motion of an earthquake occurs.
  1. 1. the study of changes in Earth's magnetic field
  2. 3. a driving force that cause tectonic plates to move around
  3. 5. the process that results when a dense oceanic plate sinks beneath a more buoyant plate along a subduction zone , pulling the rest of the plate that trails behind it
  4. 6. changes in shape or size of rock body cause by stress.
  5. 8. fragments of rock that form during a volcanic eruption
  6. 9. A tracing of an earthquake motion that is recorded by a seismograph.
  7. 11. A measure of the strength of an earthquake.
  8. 14. long line of mountains that were formed at about same time and by same processes
  9. 16. spot an area where
  10. 18. formed when magma pushes up on layers of rocks
  11. 20. P waves are seismic waves that cause particles of rock to move in a back-and-forth direction that is parallel to the direction in which the waves are traveling.
  12. 22. the shaking and trembling that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth's surface
  13. 24. In geology, a seismic wave that travels along the surface of a medium and that has a stronger effect near the surface of the medium than it has in the interior.
  14. 25. wave The energy released by the earthquake travels in all directions from the focus.
  15. 26. Deformation resulting from stress
  16. 28. a molten mixture of rock forming substances,gases, and water from the mantle
  17. 29. Zone A region of numerous, closely spaced faults.
  18. 32. the process that occurs when one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate
  19. 33. the process by which supercontinentsform and break apart over time
  20. 35. form as blocks of rock move up or down along normal fault
  21. 36. any activity that includes the movement of magma toward or onto earth's surface.
  22. 38. a slice of lithosphere that has been added to the margin of a continent during plate collision.
  23. 43. a mountain that forms in earths crust when molten material, or magma, reaches the surface
  24. 47. a force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume.