Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. a type of boundary where two tectonic plates move against each other
  2. 5. a natural disaster formed at a transform boundary where the pressure from the plates are released
  3. 7. a process where thinner oceanic crust gets pulled underneath the thicker crust
  4. 8. a type of boundary where two tectonic plates slide and grind against each other
  5. 10. plates the plates that the crust of the Earth is divided into
  1. 1. a process in which warmer material rises, cools, and sinks.
  2. 2. a landform formed by a divergent boundary where plates move apart and reveal a gap in the crust of the Earth where magma filled in
  3. 4. landform made by a convergent boundary where the plates collide and form "mounds" of landmass
  4. 6. a type of boundary where two tectonic plates collide
  5. 9. molten rock