Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. The name given to the super continent.
  2. 6. These currents are responsible for the movement of plates.
  3. 8. Which plate boundary are we located on?
  4. 11. Slide past each other
  5. 12. The largest tectonic plate
  1. 1. Form from the collision of two continental plates
  2. 2. Formed from the convergence of two oceanic crust.
  3. 3. Formed from divergent boundaries
  4. 5. The Earth is split into several large pieces called Tectonic________
  5. 7. Another name given for constructive boundary.
  6. 8. Another name given for divergent boundary
  7. 9. The solid outer layer of the earth
  8. 10. The largest portion of the Earth's structure.