plate tectonics

  1. 1. the solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the upper part of the mantle
  2. 5. created by two pieces of continental crust converging
  3. 6. a deep valley that forms on land at a divergent boundary where two plates move apart
  4. 9. the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago
  5. 10. boundary between two colliding plates - keywords: ocean trench
  6. 11. an underwater chain of mountains.
  7. 12. a vent on the earths surface where magma and gases are expelled
  8. 13. boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other
  1. 2. creates midocean ridges, earthquakes, and volcanic activity
  2. 3. a boundary where two plates are moving apart - hint: create new crust
  3. 4. the process by which Earth's crust breaks apart
  4. 7. a theory proposed by Alfred Wegener that explains how large pieces of land called plates move and change shape of the earth.
  5. 8. when one tectonic plates dives under another