Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Earth's _____ is broken into about 19 pieces.
  2. 3. Continents used to look like a giant _____ ____.
  3. 5. Tectonic plates have different size, ____, and thickness
  4. 7. A break in a body of rock along which one block slides relative to another.
  5. 9. The bending of rock layers due to stress.
  6. 11. A more dense oceanic plate slides under a less dense continental plate
  7. 12. Two plates that slide past each other
  8. 16. 300 million years ago all of the continents were combined into one super-continent called _____
  9. 17. PT.2 and _______ per year.
  10. 19. Who discovered the theory of continental drfit
  1. 1. Process where new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises toward the surface and hardens
  2. 2. Formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates, EX: Himalaya Mountains
  3. 4. Which boundary moves in this direction ← →
  4. 6. Zones of geologic activity at the surface of Earth
  5. 8. The _______ (crust and asthenosphere) is cracked and divided into tectonic plates.
  6. 10. Submerged mountain range extended from the Arctic Ocean to beyond the southern tip of Africa. One of the better known Divergent Boundaries
  7. 13. The flow that transfers heat within a fluid
  8. 14. PT.1 Tectonic plates move around Earth's surface at rates of ______
  9. 15. Vibrations created by an earthquake.
  10. 18. The core is made up of mostly ____