Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. tectonic plates float on this
  2. 5. Type of boundary where two plates slide past each other.
  3. 7. the last name of the person who created the theory of plate tectonics and Pangaea
  4. 8. when the ground violently shakes
  5. 10. when to plates collide and slide beneath eachother.
  6. 12. when rocks break
  7. 13. the block above the fault plane
  8. 15. right above the asthenosphere
  9. 16. the block below the fault plane
  10. 17. Type of Boundary where two plates are pushed against each other.
  11. 18. the youngest layers are at the core of the fold here
  12. 19. a big wave
  1. 1. The process where new ocean floor is added to the existing one
  2. 2. Type of boundary where two plates are being pulled apart.
  3. 4. Supercontinent where all of the continents were joined.
  4. 6. the last name of the person who created the theory of seafloor spreading
  5. 9. the oldest layers are at the core of the fold here
  6. 11. the heat source that drives plates to move
  7. 12. when rocks bend
  8. 14. big form of land