Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. A landmass formed by divergent boudaries pulling away from each other.
  2. 5. When two plates move away from each other
  3. 6. A large landmass formed by convergent boundaries folding on each other
  4. 9. The layer of Earth made of molten Iron & Nickel
  5. 12. The Thinner and heavier form on crust found in Earth's Oceans
  6. 15. When two plates slide past each other
  7. 16. The zone of the Earth below the lithosphere
  1. 1. When two plates move towards each other
  2. 2. The layer of the Earth made of solid Iron Nickel
  3. 3. The zone of the earth comprised of the crust and upper mantle
  4. 7. A form of mountain that erupts lava
  5. 8. A large piece of the Earth's crust floating/moving on the asthenosphere
  6. 10. The thick and light type of crust on the Earth found on Earth's landmasses
  7. 11. A sudden shaking from the Earth's plates
  8. 13. the layer of the Earth made of molten rock
  9. 14. The thinest and first layer of the Earth this is made of solid rock