Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. boundaries where plates slide past each other
  2. 5. upper layer of the earth's mantle
  3. 8. type of volcano rock that makes up the mid-ocean ridges, plates, and the oceans basins
  4. 9. zone Where seafloor is forced underneath continental plates
  5. 10. Deepest part of the ocean
  6. 13. When two plates move toward each other
  7. 15. plate Two plates that pull away from one another
  1. 1. Where new seafloor is created
  2. 3. The outer part of the earth's crust
  3. 4. Hot molten rock deep below the earth's surface
  4. 6. plates The structure of the earth's surface
  5. 7. Crack in the earths surface between two divergent plates
  6. 11. The outer solid portion of the planet earth
  7. 12. The scientist who first proposed the theory of the continental drift
  8. 14. The section below Earth's crust