Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. magma that has reached the earth's surface
  2. 3. plates separate
  3. 7. two plates (oceanic and continental) collide and they form a...
  4. 10. when one plate sinks beneath another plate
  5. 12. when two continental plates collide they form a...
  6. 14. located in the upper mantle, under the lithosphere
  7. 16. hot material rises, cool/dense material sinks
  8. 17. broken up parts of the lithosphere
  9. 18. all the continents were formed together as one
  10. 20. thickest layer of the Earth
  1. 1. where two tectonic plates meet
  2. 4. plates slide past each other
  3. 5. thicker, lighter plate
  4. 6. Earth's outermost layer
  5. 8. preserved remains of ancient organisms
  6. 9. when two oceanic plates divide they form a...
  7. 11. thinner, heavier plate
  8. 13. plates collide
  9. 15. when two continental plates divide they form a...
  10. 19. hot rock located under Earth's surface