Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. Convergent boundaries can form underwater _______ ranges.
  2. 4. What is the largest belt of active volcanos and earthquakes in the world?
  3. 7. The zone where oceanic plates sink down into the asthenosphere.
  4. 12. Once magma spills out onto the Earth’s surface it’s called
  5. 13. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
  6. 15. The convection currents cause _______ of the tectonic plates.
  7. 16. A long high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance.
  8. 17. What type of rock makes up continental crust?
  9. 18. The surface along which rocks break and slide past each other.
  10. 19. Scientist that came up with the theory of Pangaea?
  1. 1. What is the upper part of the mantle?
  2. 2. The layer of the earth between the crust and the core.
  3. 3. What kind of boundary involves plates moving apart?
  4. 5. This core of the Earth is liquid.
  5. 6. This core is the hottest
  6. 8. The process of hot rock rising, cooling, and then sinking.
  7. 9. What kind of boundary involves plates colliding?
  8. 10. Molten rock inside the Earth
  9. 11. What kind of boundary involves plates moving past each other?
  10. 14. The_____tectonics cause earthquakes and volcanoes