Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. A Theory That All Continents Were Once Together
  2. 5. pieces of earth's crust and the top of the mantle
  3. 6. current in a liquid that results in convection
  4. 9. top layer of the earth
  5. 10. Creator Of The Pangea Theory
  6. 11. thickest layer of the earth
  7. 15. a tool used to show the magnitude of earthquakes
  8. 16. earth's tilt
  9. 17. the second deepest part of the earth, made from liquid iron
  10. 18. where energy is released creating an earthquake
  1. 1. center of the earth, solid surface that only stays together due to the pressure
  2. 3. the surface right above the focus
  3. 4. energy released from a focus inside the earth that makes the ground shake and rumble
  4. 7. what makes the continents move 1-4 centimeters every year
  5. 8. outer part of the earth
  6. 12. A hole in the surface of the earth created from plates pushing against each other
  7. 13. where all countries and where we live are
  8. 14. a preserved part of a long dead plant