Plate Tectonics

  1. 1. Spreading, The process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges
  2. 4. the upper layers of the Earth's mantle
  3. 6. Strength, The ability to withstand the stress of physical forces
  4. 8. Boundary, when two plates come together
  5. 10. the degree of compactness of a substance
  6. 14. A scientist who studies the physical aspects of the Earth
  7. 15. ridge, a continuous range of undersea volcanic mountains
  8. 17. Zone, when tectonic plates meet at a convergent boundary
  9. 18. Crust, the relatively thin part of the Earth's crust which underlies the ocean basins
  10. 19. Rapture in the Earth's crust that allows hot lava to escape from the Earth's mantle
  1. 2. The results of sudden movement along faults within the earth
  2. 3. Mantle, Very thick layers of rock inside the Earth
  3. 5. Of Fire, The region around much of the rim of the Pacific Ocean
  4. 7. Boundary, when two plates move away from each other
  5. 8. the lightest rock layer
  6. 9. Boundary, when plates slide sideways past each other
  7. 11. zone, the place where two lithospheric plates come together
  8. 12. Plumes, A Proposed mechanism of convection within the Earth's mantle
  9. 13. Thrust sheets of ancient oceanic crust and upper part of the mantle
  10. 16. Wegner, The scientist who discovered Continental Drift