Plate tectonics

  1. 3. this phenomenon can occur at all types of plate boundaries
  2. 4. ______________ plate is part of the lithosphere and move in relation to one another
  3. 10. _______________ currents are movement of heat within the mantle
  4. 11. plates slide past each other at this boundary
  5. 12. found at the centre of the earth and composed mainly of iron and nickel
  6. 13. this crust is made up of heavy, dense rock between 5 to 8 kilometres and found beneath deep oceans
  7. 14. hot molten rocks below the earth's surface
  1. 1. zone where denser plate subducts under a less dense plate
  2. 2. oceanic _________ is formed when an oceanic plate converges with another plate
  3. 5. This plate collides with Indian plate to form form mountain
  4. 6. this force cause rocks on continental plate to buckle and fold at convergent plate boundary
  5. 7. landforms can be found at divergent plate boundaries
  6. 8. ________ mountains and rift valley are formed at continental-continental divergent plate boundary
  7. 9. famous oceanic trench formed between Pacific Plate and Philippine Plate